ENDORSEMENT NEWS Please welcome James A. Moody to team Swiss Picks !! A Shredder of epic technique, James has some amazing compositions and recordings, In late 2018, James started a project called The Virtuosity Effect with Rob Burton. They recorded “Celestial Apocalypse” and released it in February of 2020. James then released his solo album “Eternity” on March 5th, 2021. As soon as that release was online he immediately started a project called “Interstellar Mechanism” with Juno DeVere and is currently in the process of writing their first album. Currently, 2 songs online and a music video. It’s so Killer, and I can’t wait for more !! James has found a home with the Swiss Picks 2.0 Sharp, the same as Rusty Cooley, who has been a big influence!! You’re advised to check out James’ music in the links below.